Maschinendiagnose und Zustandsbestimmung technischer Anlagen

Certificate of conformity according to VdS 2859 and CFPA
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As a contribution to damage prevention and operational safety, the insurance companies have been using thermographical investigations as a means of early warning for a number of years.

The structure of the investigation report is regulated in the VdS guideline 2860 and the expert must be certified according to VdS guideline 2859.

In the Guideline No 3: 2003 of the Confederation of Fire Protection Association (CFPA), the directive is valid throughout Europe.
Condition Monitoring - Dive Scan
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All the rotating parts of a machine are suported by bearings. E.g. They run dry, are overloaded, or the shafts are not aligned correctly. These and other deficiencies can be detected and assessed with the help of thermography.

Every rotating element has friction. To reduce the risk of damages regarding dry runing power lines or missalignment elements infrared inspections are the most common „first touch“ to machinery condition.

The results do not have that deep informations like vibration analysis but leave a good overview of conditions.

On the other hand vibration analysis does not give an simple answer to setup conditions of e.g. roller trains.

  • pumps
  • Fans
  • compressors
  • Drive shafts on machines
  • guide rollers
  • Machines of all possible rotational movements
  • All drives with continuous speed scope
Insulation test / energy loss detection
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One of the first application of thermography was the inspection of building materials.

We do not restrict our methods to the usual localization of weak points and thermal bridges, we determine the specific heat radiation from the temperature.

Supplemented by space data and consumption data, both energy balances can be generated as well as an exact calculation of the power losses.
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Nicht alle Messaufgaben lassen sich mit standardisierten Verfahrensanweisungen lösen. Oft ist Kreativität und analytisches Denken gefordert um eine Aufgabe optimal zu lösen.

Wir führen Messungen aller möglichen und scheinbar unmöglichen Situationen und Objekten.

Neben Einzelbildaufnahmen können wir auch Serien mit hoher zeitlicher und geometrischer Auflösung. Weiter konstruieren und programmieren wir festinstallierte Überwachungssysteme und Messautomaten.