Maschinendiagnose und Zustandsbestimmung technischer Anlagen

Independent technical audits and clarification of technical questions

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Every expert assesses your questions on the basis of his professional competence, which depends decisively on the personal abilities of the expert. It is based on the intentions and objectives of the interviewee. However, in addition to the acceptance of specialist competences, the observance of certain economic contexts and the consideration of particular specialist knowledge, it is always necessary to have a global preview of the facts.

We offer the following services:

Technical expert opinions
Hazard analysis
Neutral Reviews
Acceptance of technical installations
Safety tests regard to EN 60204
Examinations and expert opinions according to VdS 2859 / CFPA
Independent consultations
Safety tests according to the official regulations
Legal and private appraisals
Specialized expert opinions / approvals
Abritrator’s award
Independent evidence

Expert opinions can be a mediative element of dispute settlement, depending on the conviction represent. In accordance with our fields of activity, we also create oral or written assessments for the purpose of a comprehensive or pragmatic-brief assessment to answer specific questions or as a basis for mediation.

For a dispute resolution or an agreement, expert opinions are often taken place as basis. For the avoidance of court and law fees in general, expert opinions can already be decisive in advance.

It is typically necessary to prepare a comprehensive expert opinion, which serves as the basis for the discussion.

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Certified expert for electrical thermographie